Monday, September 3, 2012

Insulation and Sheetrock

View if the West family room and the sheet rock on the floor.
 This was the scene after Lana and I were done hanging the insulation in the basement.  We were up 'til 2 in the morning and were short 3 rolls.  I had to get up at 6 and run down to Lowe's to buy some more.  We finished up just as the sheet rockers showed up at 7.  These stacks of sheetrock were in our basement for a good four months before we finally finished the wiring and the HVAC.  It was nice to finally get all the sheetrock on the walls and out of the way.
North East bedroom from the hall looking West.
 We kind of decided at the last minute to insulate the walls in between all bedrooms and the family room and storage room.  I had work until 7:30 then a home teaching appointment and then I had to run over to Grandma and Grandpa Spencer's to help them with a computer problem.  That is why we ended up being up so late. We were just about done with everything when I noticed that I drilled a hole and pulled wire through a board that needed sheetrock.  It is the West wall of the South East bedroom.  Thankfully Tom Hull had left his compressor and nail gun and I had bought a few extra 2 x 4's so I was able to throw up an extension on the already existing pony wall.  No one will ever even notice that it wasn't meant to be like it is.
Southern bedrooms from the hall.

Lana in the South East bedroom
Lana was a champ.  Without her help I never would have made it in time.  I was hanging the insulation in the North West bedroom when I realized that I hadn't removed all of the weights out of the North East bedroom.  So, long story short, I had Lana start hanging the insulation while I moved the 1250 lbs of weight.  Once I was done with the weights then I started cutting while Lana was hanging.  We moved pretty fast after that.
North East bedroom.

Looking out of the North West bedroom into the hall.

 I am truly grateful for all the help Trevor and Matt Aardema gave me to get this wiring and HVAC done.  I think we did a better job than the so called professionals would have done.  Everything is tight and taped off so it doesn't leak air or have problems anywhere.
This wall on the lower left hand side of the picture is where I had to adda pony wall so the wiring was out of the way of the sheetrock.  I can't believe I did that.  Thankfully it was a super easy fix.

This is the bathroom.


North West Bedroom

Super Sized Closet
 This closet is 1 1/2 times larger than our master closet.  I can't believe how big it is.  Honestly, it is big enough to be a small bedroom.  I am sure one day in the future one of our children will move in hen they are building a home so it will be a nice master suite for them to move into.
Yea!!!! Sheetrock!

I was so behind schedule that I wasn't able to get the weight bench and system out of the way so they had to sheetrock around it.  OOPS!

1 comment:

  1. Your basement looks awesome. I'm proud of you guys and all of the personal hard work you've put into it!!
