Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kitchen Remodel/Repair

 This winter we had an ice dam that caused a nasty water leak in our kitchen.  We are finally getting around to having them repair/replace the damage.  They had to take out a lot less than we originally thought.  They took the window casing off and then they took just a few smaller pieces of ceiling and wall out. I should have taken a picture of the fan and dehumidifier they had in our kitchen, but alas, I didn't.  Thankfully there is very little mold so they don't have to tent the house or anything nasty like that.  They are going to tear off part of the roof and replace shingles and rain gutter as well.  I will get pictures as they go.


  1. I had no idea.....that freaking sucks!!

  2. Glad it wasn't worse. It looks like a lot of work but glad you are getting it fixed. Hopefully the weather is warm and dry enough!
