Sunday, July 14, 2013

Spencer Family Campout July 11th -13th

This past weekend was the Spencer Family Campout at Perception ark up in South Fork.  It was 100 degrees in ogden but only 89 in the mountains so it was real nice.  We weren't able to get up there until about 4:30 but when we arrived there was only Ben and his family, Ken and his boys Trina and her kids and Kip and Jaki and their family.  I picked up trevor's tent from him earlier in the day so I set his tent up for him and then played around with the kids.  Eli has hand, foot and mouth virus so he and Lana stayed home.
 Trevor and Christy and Sally showed up around 6:30 and we hurriedly set up Sally's tent and got Christy settled in.  She pulled up their paint trailer so I backed it in for her and chocked the wheels so it would stay in place.  The first thing the kids wanted to do was start a fire, which was ok because we brought hobo dinners for supper.
There really wasn't many tents since there were so few families up there.  My family, less Lana and Eli, Kip and Jaki and Family, Trevor, Sally and her kids, Christy and her girls, Trina and her kids, Ken and his two boys and Ben, Karen and Karina were the only ones who spent the night.
We took up bikes and scooters for the kids to ride around on.
Thursday night dinner.  Looks pretty empty doesn't it.  It was fun anyway. We all did hobo dinners for supper so it was fun to sit and eat together.
 Noah on a scooter and others, including Kip, Kanyon and Jonathan, enjoying the fire.

 Noah, Kate and Emma riding bikes and scooters.
Relaxing after dinner.
 Zack, Kate, Will and Emma playing on the stumps.

 Emma and Will.
 Dave came up on Thursday night and brought a few tarps for his boys to put over their hammocks.  I think I will take a hammock up next year.  They were comfy.  It was a good thing he did because about 4:40 Friday morning it started to rain pretty hard.
 Kanyon thought it was cold so he wore his backpack around for insulation.  It was a freezing 88 degrees.

 Hobo Dinners!!!
 Emma walking on the benches around the fire pit.
 Setting up Christy's trailer.
the prego one and Cam.

I took up a football so the kids had a great time playing with it.

Trevor setting up his air mattress.  I put my two girls in his tent and me and the boys slept in Sally's tent since it started raining and she was sleeping in the back of Christy's Tahoe because she is afraid of the Boogey Man.
Bent and Emma
Setting up Sally's tent.
Wild Bill running through the woods with a stick.  He was a menace with that stick.  He hit many a person.

 Family fire time after dinner.

 Trevor, Kip and I stayed up until after 1 in the morning talking and playing "Name that tune".  We were the last ones up.
Friday morning we had a moose in the river.  He was a very big boy.

 Friday afternoon we went to Causey to jump off the cliffs.  I took my two boys.  The girls didn't want to go.
 Swimming over to the cliffs.

 Kanyon and Noah getting ready to jump.  The water was really low for this time of the year so even the little rocks that are usually under the water were pretty goos jumps.
 Noah wanted to jump off the high one so I walked up and jumped first and then he followed right behind me.  I was so proud.
 Floating around after the jump.
 I put this in for sentimental reasons.  This is the view from the point looking down at the cliffs where we jump.
 When we got back from Causey we walked down to the river where the girls were playing in the river.
 Kate floating in the river on a shark.
 AJ and Kate floating and playing in the river.  I caught her and her turtle on the way down.
 Don's Kate and Emma floating down the river on a tube.
 After the girls finished floating the river Kip, Kanyon and I walked up the river to our camp.  It took quite awhile.  It was fun though and we had a great talk on the way up.
 Ben and I brought up horseshoes.  It was a good thing I brought mine too because Ben's broke.  We had some good tournaments.  It was a lot of fun.
 Friday night dinner was not a rocking event.  Don and Paige brought up Grandma and Lois came up.  That was it.  We still had a great time though.  Grandma brought her traditional chicken and then there were salads and other treats.  No one went hungry.

 It was nice to have grandma up there with us, even if it was only for a short time.  Grandma was rolling around in a wheel chair so she didn't accidentally fall down up on the concrete.
Al in all it was a great time.  We will be extending next years camp until Sunday morning so we will hopefully draw a few more people out.

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